The simplest way to say I love you
Native to the Americas and Caribbeans, this tropical evergreen beauty brings out the best and brightest in any space it inhabits. The colorful heart-shaped waxy leaves, called spathes, act as protectors for its straight spike, called spadix, where very small flowers grow in its bloom. Thanks to its long-lived, heart-opening charm, Anthurium is the quintessential symbol of generosity and kindness, making it a perfect gift for those you love the most. It is cherished for its long blooms, lasting anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. Anthurium grows best in a well-lit space. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight or spaces without natural light.
Native to the Americas and Caribbeans, this tropical evergreen beauty brings out the best and brightest in any space it inhabits. The colorful heart-shaped waxy leaves, called spathes, act as protectors for its straight spike, called spadix, where very small flowers grow in its bloom. Thanks to its long-lived, heart-opening charm, Anthurium is the quintessential symbol of generosity and kindness, making it a perfect gift for those you love the most. It is cherished for its long blooms, lasting anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. Anthurium grows best in a well-lit space. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight or spaces without natural light.